My coments:
Some researchers found an intriguing fact that the signs "D D o o" situated on upper-right side of the Tartaria tablet are high challenging.
For me also, at the time supposed to be written there were no invented yet D-shaped signs.
Close shape has sumerian proto-cuneiform numbers.

D D o o could be:
1, 1, 10, 10. so, "21 portions of grain"
Even if we have the signs: "D1 D2 o o(?"c"?)"
the sequence there are:
"D1"-sign, identical with ninda (bread) sign wich in proto-cuneiform is in the shape of a D with an inner stroke paralel with that left-side,
"D2" sign is identical with proto-cuneiform D-shape numbers, but sumerian used to imprint the stylus not scratching/cutting.
"o" was used for "10"
"c" was not used ?
If "D1(Ninda) D2 o o" would be: bread. 1(60) 10 10" so "21 bread"
But I am stressing that sumerians not made numbers only by imprinting.
So the tablet was no written by an native sumerian nor we have proper/genuine sumerian writing.
The same opinion had before me A.A.Vaiman "On quasi-sumerian tablets from Tartaria".
He found other clues (different technique). other than sumerian on the tablets.
I supposed on my part to have "D"-shape sign as moon.

But found non-sense with those twoo repeating D-s folowed by apparent 2 full-moons. As phisical phenomenom, in reality full/black moon and in-between quarterrs are inter-changing, not folowing/repeating the same sequence.
Also I made my mind to have in the left side those "HD"-like signs as for Sun-Moon.
In chinese writing there was used an H-like sign with 3 horiz, strokes (ni) as for Sun, also I thought of He(ta) as for Helios.All in vain.
In the Linear A reading aproach I took "HD" sequence on the left side as Pa-moon=Pa Men, close to poimen, "shepperd"
One of the best renderings, maybe even better than sumerian-one is Mr. Merlini's interpretation as the phases of the Moon.
His paper an aproach is outstanding.
With a single reserve:
Could have there the Moon phases but in my opinion the moon phases were not yet related at that time to an "female fertility calendar"
I made myself searches on astronomy-biology relation throught the time and nowdays, and I found:
-Out of average lunar timing/cycle (rotation) wich has
1. the time in wich the moon shows the same phase and
2. exact the time of one complete revolution, we have an medium/average cycle of 28 days.
I found that out of an medium time of the above twoo, (average same round 28 days) time cycle of moon and female cycle there is no exact or direct relation or match.
Especially due of the fact that every female have an personal cycle independent of the moon phases.
In mithology I found stories to become pregnant at full moon.Nothing proved real.
More than this, fertility female human is expanding in an quite large time extention.
More than this the ovulation time is so individualised that even fatigue, stress, body temperature, ilness and manyother factors are conducting to a situation that:
-nature are aware of all good and bad influences and ovulation occur only when the best conditions are met.If not best kind of optimising occur.
Women’s cycles are a little more…unpredictable. Our systems are a complex biological loop that can be affected by stress, hormones, sickness, and even exercise. It’s common for people’s cycles to vary between 21 days and 35 days. Even women who report regular periods can have an unpredictably long or short cycle once in a while. Here’s why: each month, the body tries to release an egg at the best time to achieve pregnancy. If the body senses a fever or stress hormones, there’s no use releasing an egg into a body that’s too hot, stressed, or hungry to keep it healthy. Our bodies are willing to wait a little while to keep the egg optimized and ready for fertilization, and that’s when we’re faced with a cycle that’s longer than usual.
Menstrual cycles seem to fall along roughly the same timelines, and it can be tempting to use the moon’s cycles to track an ovulatory or menstrual cycle. Tempting, but unless you’re ready to pick out baby names, you might want to rethink it. Studies that link the moon with fertility or contraception have been inconclusive, and for a good reason: every woman is different. Every cycle can be different.
Even if (from same above):"It can also be beautiful to consider yourself part of the fabric of the natural world. It can be empowering to remember that cultures throughout the world and history have looked up into the night sky and seen a powerful and unabashedly female figure shining down on them. The moon’s waxing phase, as it fills out and brightens the night sky, is an especially vivid symbol of pregnancy and fecundity, which are, of course, directly related to menstruation."
The term lunar effect refers to real or imaginary correlations between specific stages of the roughly 29.5-day lunar cycle and behavior and physiological changes in living beings on Earth, including humans. In some cases the purported effect may depend on external cues, such as the amount of moonlight. In other cases, such as the approximately-monthly cycle of menstruation in humans (but not other mammals), the coincidence in timing reflects no known lunar influence.
A considerable number of studies have examined the effect on humans. By the late 1980s, there were at least 40 published studies on the purported lunar-lunacy connection,[1] and at least 20 published studies on the purported lunar-birthrate connection.[2] This has allowed several extensive literature reviews and meta-analyses to be produced, which have found no correlation between the lunar cycle and human biology or behavior.
Out of this, in a time (neolithic ! Merlini/tablets 5300-6300 B.C. )when writing was or not discovered and people were not acustomed with numbers and counting, how could one remember,relate,corelate what day was before/ 40 days/ after when first prenancy simptoms occur !?
Sufficient bad, if
- many scientists were and are supposing that Vinca civilisation was on the verge of discovering writing (in fact sure riched the mnemonic/iconic stage with maybe forever lost meanings)
- many also said that especially Tartaria tablets carry kind of writing
- most fervent sustainer of Danubian writing is Mr.Marco Merlini,
- especially Tartaria round tablet shows signs wich could carry (if not sounds/words via syllabograms) absolutely sure at least proto-writing via proto-cuneiform signs.
So pity enough that the world toughest and constant sustainer of Danubian writing if choosed to propose those moon-phases, in the situation that in fact we could in reality have writing,
is going many steps way back to an stage before proto-writing. Moon phases are in this case are (local or not) mnemonic signs coresponding to moon phases.
But if one is looking at the signs=moon phases on the tablet or on the real moon on sky not necessary is drawing conclusions on moving asters or female lunar cycle.
Pity enough for Mr. Merlini, contrary of my first admiration reaction, I found that this "moon-phases" idea is not so new and was not his discovery, nor the first-one to display for the first time.
1.MERLINI: Chronograms from the Danube Civilization to procreate a Child of the Moon
Constantin-Emil Ursu, Adrian Poruciuc, Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici (eds.), From Symbols to Signs, Editura Karl A. Romstorfer, Suceava, 2015: 133-200and
2.R.KOLEV Bab Sky Science Collection 01 Abstract | Babylonia | Astronomy - Scribd › document › Ba...
by Rumen Kolev A COLLECTION of writings from 2000 - 2010 .... DECODING of the TARTARIA TABLETS By Dr. Varna.22May-15 June 2008
3. Keith Massey,
November 21, 2008
" Here is Quadrant I:
The semicircle struck me as a probable moon symbol. But what does a moon represent? A reasonable option is to make a moon stand for the number of days in a lunar cycle. As i sat there, I wasn't sure myself of what a lunar cycle is exactly. I knew it was something short of 30 days. That led me to an intriguing possibility. What if the other inscription in Quadrant I is meant to also convey the number of days in a lunar cycle? What if Quadrant I is a sort of legend, showing the values that will be operative elsewhere? Now, the other inscription in Quadrant I appears to be three lines in a row with two lines pointing out in each direction.
Perhaps each line stands for 10 and the lines pointing out are meant to convey subtracting one or two days from that sum. That would theoretically bring us to the number 28 or 29, which isn't far from the lunar cycle. Later at home with internet access, I was able to get the info that the exact lunar cycle is29.53 days. Now, I know what I just presented isn't a slam dunk. I'm going to ask you to consider it, however, in light of how this hypothesis plays out on the rest of this particular tablet."
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