luni, 26 noiembrie 2018

Hera, Horos and Orion, calendar in Old Europe Civilisation and in tablets ?

Hera, Horos and Orion related to Old Europe civilisation and the tablets ?


“The image above shows the front and back of a carved fragment of mammoth ivory measuring 38 mm x 14 mm x 4 mm that was discovered in 1979 inside the Geißenklösterle cave in the Swabian Alps of south-western Germany…… According to research published by Dr Rappenglück, the figure must be Orion, since the slim waist of the figure corresponds to the Belt of Orion, and the sword he sees hanging from the waist of the figure is easy to see in the real constellation. Moreover, Dr            Rappenglück is at some pains to point out that the figurines’ left leg is somewhat shorter than the        right leg, just as it is in the constellation. Therefore, the figure on the ivory fragment is Orion the        Hunter.………….                                                                                                                                      Does the figure represent the constellation Orion, which would make it the oldest known star map      with an age of about 32,000 years, or is the fragment merely a testament to the skill of the carver, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the stars?                                                                                            The reverse side of the Orion carving is dotted with 86 notches, which Dr Rappenglück claims is a      “birth calendar”. According to Dr Rappenglück, if one subtracts 86 from the number of days in a year (365), one arrives at the average human gestation period, which is around 279 days, or nine months, give or take a few days either way. "                                                                                                        
It seems that this paper will be quite extended, due of the data volume aquired by me in the course of the time, and because there are many things inter-related.                             At the begining I will present you an aspect of the tablets wich could be a good starting point. Is not been noticed and not easy to be realised by an average unskilled viewer. Anyway I will analise if real or not, both                possibilities. Remember: in reality only one could be true!                                                                     
This twoo posibillities conducts to little divergent research fields, and has great consequences,            because one is aiming to a period of time close to our time and the other one is aiming to much older time and ages.The difference one-between could be as 2.000 years!                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
1-st possibility (LETTERS)                                                                                                                    
What is about:                                                                                                                                           
It seems that I am the single one wich noticed that: - upper half of the round tablet is containing a group of signs wich seems to be “allien” or of a “different part or opinion” side. Anyway all the signs on all tablets give the impression of a mixture of signs. Anyway, the signs are very familiar to me, cause I know the signs are from archaic greek alphabets.(interesting, not as easy matching the older Aegean writings, Cretan hieroglyphic, Linear A and LinearB. Why? Because the exact D-shape sign was not used in those writings. Not for moon, nor for measure units.                                                  
In archaic greek, at the begining there was different alphabets in different places, from                        where:”epichoric alphabets” (epichoros:”local”).Eg, for letter D used delta in one place and D in another.For R used P in one place and D in another place. So it’s not easy, because out of this fact could be combination of letters wich give different words. We could have in the left side HP or HD (HD or HR).On the right side could have DDoo:ddoo or rroo ! could be generated many words !                                                                                                                                                                     - If the suposition of Mr. Marco Merlini is true, upon the upper half was hidden by the oblong tablet, in order to hide the message, then we can take in account that mainly or only upper half contain an message, possible in “true writing”.The rest could be seen by passing-by viewers cause for them are only some misterious signs.                                                                                                                      
Many years before I wondered if there are there the archaic greek signs eta/heta and Rho what would be the monogram for?                                                                                                                               
Note.                                                                                                                                                     Old shape of eta had 3 horizontal or slanted bars.At the begining was for consonontal eta, and for the sound H,He.That’s why was named also heta. Reminder of this are words like Hera wich in past was pronounced HEra, (words were written begining with H) even if later pronounced Era.In all rest of Mediterranean world was kept H eg. In Etruscan, latin, venetic language and writing.Some years before wanting to know where is the oldest atestation of HP/HD group of signs or monogram, I found that there were some found on Levantine sherds and in Egypt, written vith this archaic eta shape.Only a few, course many were written with boxed-eta.                                                                                     
Scientists wondered and said that monogram would be, in descending probabilities for:                       - Hera                                                                                                                                                       - Heros,Hercles/Hercules                                                                                                                         - Heros,proper name                                                                                                                               
After some years of research, I supposed that HP/HD monogram could be for:                                    
Hera,Heros,Horos/horo,Horio,etc. As for :                                                                            gHera=Lady,hero=lord, limit/time/mountain,village.                                                                               
On the right side, would have :sign +++++ :”Se”: seed,sow,plant/you,your                                          
And DDoo/DDoc: “RoRo/roros” (moisten,bedew/countryside/RURAL)                                Aroros :”plughman”; So possible :                                                                                            
Horos/Horo Roros                                                                                                                                    
Mountain/limit/time/hour country(side),rural                                                                                           
RURAL TIME, or:                                                                                                                               
HD          R R o o                                                                                                                                     Hera rhoo,rhou,rroo (from rheo) Note: in greek roo,rhou:"flux"                                                       The Ancient Greek Philosophy Collection: The Works of Plato, ... Phronesis (wisdom), which may signify phoras kai rhou n(perception of motion and flux), or perhaps phoras onesis (the blessing of motion), ..                          
Hera flow,flux,river                                                                                                                                  
In most ancient times, the main deity was a female-one Dione/Rhea/Hera and Zeus was 2-nd.           
Also minoans had 1-st order deity an astral female-one, Asasara.                                      Later Ida-Mater/Damater, mistress of animal :"Potnia teron".                                                                                 
If you asked yourself why I’ve posted in the title Orion, I explain:                                                   
- many noticed and supposed that in Vinca-Turdas/Danubian civilisation, one of the Mother-Goddess sign was the triangle. Upon my research (wich I’ve psted in a separate post) I showed that the stilised shape of Orion constellation was the sign of the Mother-Goddess.                        
- In greek oros/horos is “mountain” probaly coming from a root meaning rise/arise/ high,up. Oros/Horos:”boundary,limit/mountain) has in declination the form Orion/Horion !                  
From strongs - that SHEPHERDPUPLINUX.US                                                                                                                     .
ὅριον horion hor'-ee-on Neuter of a derivative of an apparently primary word ὅρος horos (a bound or limit); a boundary line is (by ...                                                                                                          
IDA related to sanskrit-tamil Ida river. Could be Mountain Ida, rather than river-mountain, maybe IDA:"headwaters,runnel,source,spring", mountain IDA;"spring Mountain"??                                       
Beside this approach, we could have another set of readings:                                                               
HD DDoo/DDou                                                                                                                                  
gr.Hede(here-now) gr.edo,lat.ede (eat) gr.hedus,lat ede "kid-goat""<>DiDou (give!)                       
Note: there is a stroke inside first D !                                                                                                  
And another set:                                                                                                                                   
HP  D B o                                                                                                                                          c
Note: at a close look +++++ and 2-nd D signs are ligatureted !, so Di b o c=Di V o s                      Gr.&Lat.Heros,her:”Lord”/Hera:”Lady” <>DiVoS:gr.GOD,lat.”Gods.divine”                                   
I will stop here and come later back to refine this above.                                                                       
2.The other possibility:                                                                                                                             -Due of the fact that an D-shape sign was not used in any ancient writings before greeks, this was very hard for all before researchers of the tablets.                                                                                   
They had only twoo possible renderings:                                                                                                 
- as numbers                                                                                                                                              
- as signs for Moon/phases?                                                                                                                      
2-nd possibility (AS NUMBERS)                                                                                                           
In sumerian proto-cuneiform writing, there is only one instance in wich the sign D was found. Not on the tablets, only in proto-cuneiform sign list (Falkenstein ATU 527). Also as the very precursor of the signs, sumerian tokens (Denisse Schmand Besserat). Nobody knows or even not hypotethised what that sign was for by sumerians !                                                                                                                
Folowing the observation that signs folowed tokens, I make an assumption in the reversing-time way that D-shape token and D-sign represented (as later sign), number 60.                                                   
Even if one choose that the sign would be a number or Moon this is not taken away the charge to explain the other,rest of the signs !(expecting in an time and writing related context) !!                         
Even if one take the sumerian approach, out of the number-signs, remain the rest of it. There is known that in proto-writing stage, one sign had multiple meanings.                                                    So wich to choose !? They say that sumerians choosed the meaning from the context.  But we know wich is the context here ?? NOT !                                                                                                             
In minoan (Linear A) writings the phonetics of the signs is not know entirely.                                  But even the language is still unknown.                                                                                                    
Micenaean is known due to deceased Michael Ventrix.                                                                           
In Cretan hieroglyphic, Linear A and Linear B the shape “D” was not used. Only some similar different signs for month and measure units!                                                                                            
Many scientists hypothesized one after another, in a long row (K.Massey,R,Kolev,M.Merlini,& al; not know wich was 1-st...) that the DDoo-sequence was intended for moon phases.                          
I was not sustaining this as my 1-st grade rendering. But I am some-how forced to re-analyse the issue. I did not this till yesterday read that in an paleolithic inscripion (that at the begining) the moon-phases signs could be related to female cycle, so I took this matter seriously back again in study.
This hypothesis has some consistency and support in the folowing:                                                        
- humans observed exact astronomic time cycles, but                                                                             
- not come to an end and solve the matter of exact time superposition of number of days in the year, so Moon cycle with solar astronomic year                                                                                               
(nor in our time XXI century we have months with 30 and 31 days even with 28!).                              
- Even one of the great scientists, Dr Rappenglück, consider that was possible that humans even in remote time, to relate lunar phases with human gestation period.                                                          
Me: !! I am not at all convinced !                                                                                                            
So I took a decision:                                                                                                                                
No matter how the supposed ancient civilisation of the writer solved the calendar problem or not (searching in tablets for timings/numbers) suffice for me that they noticed some kind of relation and maybe only expressed this in kind of a raw manner                                                                              ,
As could be the graphic representation of the lunisolar calendar. Four seasons,maybe 3 months in every of them. But no matter how many tdays in every quarter of year or in a month, in an analogic way (not digital/numbers) the time superposition is made.                                                                     
a)Is a matter of further research if they some-how solved or not the problem.There are hundreds of calendars wich are dealing with leap-time issue                                                                                    .
When tried to read, I was conducted in sumerian to “pure-sacred one” (Ku-Dis), in Linear A.B to shepperd: (Linear A Pa-men/Pai-men? gr. “Poimen= shepperd”), also in sumerian to Enki's (Erth-God) sacred number 40, to death rituals (number 40=nimin-nis(20)x min(2)),etc. Albanian                rrok”term” sorok russ.=” Term,40”, rom."term"....                                                                            Note                                                                                                                                                        
- Interesting, note that in sumerian MIN:”2” and in egyptian Min/Men:”unchanged,constant,still”
- In minoan language (unknown, not direct related to no language out of a bundle of language familyies, comprising Indo-European,Luwian,hebrew, greek etc.) MIN from - Minos they say to be related also to “still,constant,unchanged”                                                                                                 
- there are research papers of Evangelos Papakitsos and Iannis Kenanidis wich traced that Aegean proto-linear writing as a whole, present influence of sumerian proto-cuneiform signs, Also they made the assumption that the initial cretans/early minoans were in fact sumerians !                                     
AS MOON/MOON PHASES                                                                                                                 
If upper half of the round tablets is containing letters,                                                                             
- We could have in left-side Hera wich was related to nature, conception and family and in the right side those 4 moon quarters. (?)                                                                                                                 
- Many ancient civilisations begin the time counting and the year with new moon, as surely could be our case ! (1-st sign seem to be new moon) - It seems also that new moon was depicted in neolithic as a sickle having stroke(s) inside.                                                                                                                
When I made sumerian reading attempt, I took only 1-2 signs for moon:                                              H D signs                                                                                                                                                   
Ku sign  sign of Moon-God Sin/SuEn or DIS(1,unique,God)                                             SACRED,PURE ONE/Moon-God ? and for the signs:                                                                           
D D o o                                                                                                                                                      
D-sign:Moon-God/1                                                                                                                            sign OO:"Nigin"                                                                                                                                       
As-SUR one whole…                                                                                                                                ________________________________________________________
It seems that could be a lunisolar calendar, (?from the time of  Ashur, or from somewhere):
30 day/month  12 month and 360+5 days/year                                                                                    
These 5 days were aded at the finish of the year.                                                                                    
Those 5 days are probably figured by the sign +++++ ?…….or:                                               ++++++                                                                                                                                             D D o o                                                                                                                                                  
 SUR/flow Moon/month full >> “one AsSur full,entire month flow”                                                  
Yes, also DDoo is full Moon with four phases :                                                                                     1. new moon, 21-st quarter, 3. full mon, and 4vaning                                                                         
Number SumerianAkkadian
1diš,  išten
6 šediš

sâmbătă, 24 noiembrie 2018


         In memory of Sabin Adrian Luca

   ! !  <<<<<<<   A T T E N T I O N >>>>>>>  !

  • Due the fact that Mr.Merlini is believing that the tablets have a very old age (much olders with 2K Years than the real age wich could be in fact)
  • Deep inside beeing not sure  what is in fact that age
  • He is expecting Neolithic and even not think of Bronze age.
  • Not know that proto-writing emerged in the world around 3.200 B.C. (Sumer,Egypt,Indus). No single proto-writing before 3,500 in the World!
  • His reasearch wich is regarding the signs, is extending at an extremely wide time span and too far back in time. The time spanning / period of time/ timeline from paleolithic to late neolithic.                               S O R R Y, D E E P L Y  W R O N G !
  • He did not realise even now, that the Vinca Civilisations stopped at the verge of discovering the writing.
  • I mean, out of those singleton tablets ( wich could be made yesterday by one as me, who has elementary knowledge of some dispersed ancient signs) no other writing proove that even proto-writing existed in Vinca-Turdas civilisation.
  • So, he is mainly searching in such a big pile of ancient signs as finaly cannot decide, and he DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO CHOOSE.
  • Writing developed as a stringent necesity in high developed societies (Sumer, Minoan).."high" I mean really high in respect of every single aspect of economical and social activity. (Remember only the Hamurabi code or minoan streets and houses.) The hearth of writing in Europe was in the Aegean. I wonder wich was the supposed path of "Kadmus road"... probably close to that of commerce. The writing emerged close to places where thousends of tablets were found !
  • Nobody knows how cultural transmission happened (by air like flu or how?) Evidences points that Aegean was influenced by sumerians (see papers of Evanghelos Papakitsos and Iannis Kenanidis).Early minoans seem to be native sumerians.
  • There were population movements that only now with genetics developements could be traced.
  • An "laboratory"-like scientific analysis of the sign is stormed by "Mylady Tartaria" story, otherwise introducing more mistery not scientific needed and beeing your own contribution or production.
From                         First, begining from the left, H-like sign                                                                                                                                           The folowing, from
                                                                                                                                                     From Marco Merlini                                                                                                                                        THE ESOTERIC MESSAGE ON THE DISK-SHAPED TABLET
"A throne that is not a throne....
The (sign)is very frequent and well known, with an assortment of variants, in several inventories of ancient systems of writing. The Mesopotamian examples highlight an implausible correspondence between this Transylvanian sign and the pictogram from Uruk ATU 260 1470 or Jemdet Nasr 1471.Badiny forced the supposed similarities selectin g the Proto-Sumerian pictogram1472. Nonetheless, any correspondence in shape is remote1473. These scholars find equivalence only by maintaining that the Tărtăria sign is damaged in the lower left segmen ts; they reconstruct it arbitrarily in an outline resembling the Proto-Sumerian counterpart. Correspondences in Akkadian cuneiform are not very clear. It is Labat number 436 according to Badiny with sound TUD, DUR meaning ‘settlement foundations’1474. However, it is Labat number 99 with meaning ‘Lord’, ‘God’ with a phonetic value EN according to Kolev1475.The sign resembling a tri-rung lame ladder or a limping chair occurs also in Semitic scripts, in particular in the Phoenician alphabet where a similar sign represents the letter heth (phonetic value h),. Subsequently, it became the Latin H. The occurs also in other ancient Asiatic scripts, as well as in the East Orient systems of writing. In particular, there is a complete graphic convergence with the sign 53 of the Indus script 1476."

Despite :                                                                                                                                                    - the large excursus wich is comprising most of the close-shaped ancient signs,                                    - not even noticed exactly HET-letter shape (apropos, H/het/chet has  Kh sound as in ger. koCH not H!)                                                                                                                                                             -not found the exact construction of the proto-cuneiform sign KU/GA2 wich has also as our sign 3 horiz. bars                                                                                                                                                  - for too many signs, not get to a final conclusion and not choosed or found any concrete sign or meaning : (............."In any case, to my thinking it will be productive to explore the possible abstract meanings of the as the opening that introduces the esoteric inscription.")
- if The (sign)is very frequent and well known then why he not "took the bull by the horns" ? (a translated romanian expresion translated < "a lua taurul de coarne>?


2-nd "D-shape sign" on the right,
Merlini:"The second sign on the upper left quadrant is a rounded D-shape with a tail,"                    me: no tail, scribe shaking hand. It is exactly ATU 527!
Merlini:"In the Danube civilization, its occurrence is restricted to Tărtăria, and it is not present in other ancient scripts. "                                                                                                                         Me: Yes,In the Danube civilization, its occurrence is restricted to Tărtăria but is present in other ancient scripts as:                                                                                                                       sumerian,                                                                                                                                        Anatolian writings and alphabets                                                                                                      archaic greek (as for letters D and R),                                                                                             in venetic script, ...I'm not squeezing my memory further.
Merlini:"In the Late Neolithic Vinča C culture, the D is engraved on the forehead of a statuette discovered at Medvednjak (Republic of Serbia)1493. Due to positioning, Winn considers this sign as “symbolic”149
Me: In hundreds of statuettes not on forehead there were not cyclops were exactly in the eyes places. (See my post :"Common... in early writing")More than symbolic, the eye shape is direct related to light through light to deities and sun!
Merlini:"In Akkadian cuneiform, the D is the Labat number 480 with sound DIS, meaning ‘praised one’
Me: yes, but only "one" and not "praised one" because there is no particle there for praise it is only "one" meaning of course the God,praysed-one.Attention, dis much used for numbers; for "one" ment the unique single ONEis +++++ "AS" present on tablet.           1 is "Dis" and "Dili"
Merlini:"At Tărtăria, the tail on the D was incised intentionally. We have to deduce that the ‘scribe’ applied this small auxiliary marker to the root-sign in order to produce a variation to its conceptual meaning or to differentiate some phonetic units of the spoken language. Unfortunately, we are blind concerning the denotation of the D sign and its sound value.
Me: Pitty enough, no sign connection less a given meaning.
Upper half, right side ; image from KEYTH MASSEY

Comb-like sign.                                                                                                                        Merlini:"As already mentioned in the previous chapter, on the upper right quadrant of the circular tablet, a ligature between the incised on the higher register and the biggest D on the lower register is nonexistent, although common in literature1507"
Me: the ligature exist, but how this can push one to other divergent interpretations remain to be discussed.
....bla bla bla to conclusion:
Merlini:"In conclusion, if the comb-like sign from Tărtăria finds some parallels in the Mesopotamian pictography and in other ancient scripts, the best semiotic correspondences are from other settlements in Transylvania and in Serbia of the subsequent Neolithic Vinča C and Turdaș cultures of the Danube civilization where it is a component of a numeric system"
Me: yes could be numeric as 10+5 or 50 ( deceased female's age), but you only said:" finds some parallels in the Mesopotamian pictography",did not noticed the exact proto-cuneiform sign AS (one,single,unique) ;(not talking of Linear A,B "Te")
-In respect of he said above, no given number meaning
First "D-sign"
Merlini:"The crescent moon is visible in the shape of a celestial D1522. The variant
is not recorded in the inventory of the signs of the Danube script.It is very similar to the shape individuated by Gh.  Lazarovici with code 238f, meaning ‘first quarter of the moon’. The same sign was utilized to render the first crescent in a lunar cycle engraved on a stone around the second part of IV millennium BC at Knowth (Boyne Valley, Ireland)
1523. The graphic concept is similar to that at the base of the ancient form of the Chinese character Yue4, meaning ’moon’. In the beginning, the pictograph was a new moon hanging in the sky. Gradually, a vertical stroke was added inside. I also assume the
a s a symbol for the ‘first quarter of the moon’."                                                                    
Correct:                                                                                                                                                    "At Tărtăria, the tail on the 1-st D seem to be incised intentionally. We have to deduce that the ‘scribe’ applied this small auxiliary marker to the root-sign in order to produce a variation to its conceptual meaning or to differentiate some phonetic units of the spoken language. Unfortunately, we are blind concerning the denotation of the D sign and its sound value.However, the Transylvanian D is the same as the sign of the moon on the Chinese divination bones. Is the rounded D-shape with a tail representing the abstract concept of the Moon (the divinity of the Moon?)"
Second D-sign
Merlini:"Unfortunately, we are blind concerning the denotation of the D sign and its sound value." 

Me:also "unfortunately" you're right; this has gathered top "question marks" number.

Merlini: sign DS 003.0                                                                                       Me: please you can show from where you took the DS 003.0 ?

Merlini:                                                                                                                                                "The sharp incised on the upper right quadrant finds graphic parallels with ATU 527. As substantiated in the next chapter, if the D is a lunar symbol in several early systems of writing and in rock art, at Tărtăria it stands for the Full Moon as the best suitable moment for human fecundation.

Me: If I am not sure for yours precisely " full Moon" but as I run out of better solution, it could be for Moon .Otherwise  I found only exact shape ATU 527 but there no indication for sign name nor meaning!)                                                                           But if there was in the Mrs. Denisse Schmandt Besserat paper in the early token<>signs table in the recipients/jar column and is symilar with later GAR sign and also has an sister singn, egyptian "loaf of bread" I am for GRAIN MEASURE,BREAD more than for "Moon"                                                                                               
I wonder where found Mr. Lazarovici the  sign code 238f, in the Danube script. 
From (see 1-st on the 6-nth row)

IF HE TOOK THE SIGN FROM TARTARIA TABLET, I AM AFFRAID HE IS TERRIBLE WRONG ! (because still there is the possibility that Tartaria tablets do not pertain to Vinca Culture!) But if took the sign from Vinca eye idols that would be fair and correct.                                                                                 

Also I wonder how and from where he and you deduced to be the sign of the Moon or "first quarter of the moon" out of your thoughtfull supposition.                                                                            YOU BOTH DID NOT NOTICED, NOR MENTIONED, THAT THIS SIGN IS DEPICTED ON HUNDREDS OF VINCA ARTEFACTS IN THE EYES PLACE.

Merlini: file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/Semiotic_approach_to_the_features_of_the_Danube_S.pdf:             " According to the traditional explanation, a Neo-Eneolitic divinity identifier may not  be considered  writing-although it identifies the essence of a divinity, sinthesises its attributes and posseses/expresses  its power- because it not establish a link with verbal communication.Since it does not carry the name of the divinity it is judged do not be a true  God/Goddess signature. carry the true name of the divinity but merely a mark wich might be abstract, arbitrary, or sinthetic, but wich does not reflect the phonemes of its name or attributes. A divinity identifier is not written in a linguistic sense"
YES! The above asertion/and situation especially at Vinca Civilisation/6.000 B.C. is that what to be expected . 

Me: I wonder myself what could be the meaning to put "Moons" in the eye places? Did not get a spark that the sign could be related as in many world places and writings to GOD and LIGHT !?           The top-most importance is the eye-light ,capacity of seeing !...                                                       Not to be misunderstood: The sign must not trobles one's mind, not to think to shape D or D-letter shape, think of eyes (in many cases with eyebrows)                                                                          THE EYE SHAPE WAS USED IN MANY WORLD PROTO-WRITINGS ! 
e.g. JIAHU 

Me :(1-st row"SUN",2-nd:"Moon", 4-th:"see")                                                                                From 

see my post:                                                          Common traits in the very beginning of writing

<< Also some other scientists found that one particular pictogram was used in different places in writing .Quite slightly different in shape. It is about the eye. But every scientist showed mainly symilar eye-shapes for only twoo different places. I discovered that there was an much extended phenomenom. I will show you more than 4-5 places in the world. The explanation I’ve found is the fact that humans have the same physical body, and nervous system (read basic way of thinking).
But there was another pictogram used in the same semantic field, the fish. There is no other simple connection for humans for the idea of light other than eye. Light is entering in us through eyes.Close yes and have no light. Eye-light is kind of short-cut between, eliminating every word or philosophy upon.
It is true, light is coming mainly from Sun, but if you figure sun thinking possible turn in first time to celestial star and the light is only 2-nd, close-associated.
I discovered that it seems that the eye-shape was used for logograms and phonemes for light. I suppose the fish-shape was used for bright-light or “bright,shining”.>>

If hard to associate the sign with a phoneme in the same time we cannot exclude ! When depicted the sign on gods idols, surely they mumbledd/murmured/muttered/whispered/babbled something, but no one know what.                                                                                                                                                     But any loss, if one make a guess, in the situation that Danubian at 6.000-4.000 B.C. is expected to be inhabited by Proto-Indo-European speaking people.

The Nostratic Macrofamily: A Study in Distant Linguistic Relationship

Pokorny 1959:183—187 *dei—, *dei a—, *di, *dia- 'to shine brightly'; Walde ... to light up', 149 *diuios 'heavenly, divine, wonderful, strange', 149 *diéu— 'to .                                                          

by chance the Indo-European ultimate root common to LIGHT and GOD  seem to be Dy/Di                               *dyew-[1]
  1. be bright 
  2., heavenbright                                                           Proto-IE: *deiw-, *dyew Nostratic etymology: Meaning: god, heaven

PIE in the Sky: The Proto-Indo-European Root of Zeus                                                                                                                                        "However, there are some failings to this proposed law, and Sihler has suggested that it can be more easily explained as an analogical development from *diw-. 17 We can thus be quite certain that the PIE began *dy-."
Turkic - Indian Lexical Parallels in the Framework of the Nostratic Language's Macrofamily              Sanskrit di- 'light, shine'

"o o" signs
Merlini: (directly up to conclusions):"In conclusion, the sequence D– D – O –o
incised on the lower register of the upper right quadrant of the Tărtăria tablet seems to indicate the moon according to the following phases: First Quarter Moon, Full Moon, Last Quarter Moon, and New/Black Moon."
Me: Yes could be, but adding with equal-chances  the posibilities  :
- o o = sumerian 10 10
- two sumerian signs "o" LAGAB(circle) =sumerian 2xLAGAB="o o"="nigin": "encircle,roaming around,full,total,etc.etc....


Image, from KEYTH MASSEY

Left side,"Merlini:The stylized bow+arrow sign1346"
Merlini:"The bow+arrow sign finds some parallels with pictography from Uruk and Jemdet Nasr: sign ATU721,, with the sound BA, meaning ‘eye’ and also ‘to see’1352. In Ak kadian cuneiform, it has the sound IGI, meaning ‘eye’, Labat number 449 1353. Vaguer is the resemblance with the sign with sound BA (‘offer’,‘give’), Labat number 5135"
Me: Yes, BA (‘offer’,‘give’). Ba sign is by no way  eye, IGI sign is meaning eye.The Ba ("offer etc,) has one shape, and IGI (eye) another shape.. But seeing the position of the arrow related to the cord, the sign is definitely much close to our sign is Ba !! ("offer,give").
Merlini:(conclusion) "These observations, when crossed with the identity of Milady Tărtăria as a magic-religious practitioner, open the possibility that the sign on the tablet symbolizes a communication tool utilizing the image of a hunting weapon. It could depict the dynamic, magical moment/action in which the arrow is shot, and the charm has taken off"
Me: Milady Tărtăria's story is for any help; in my opinion the deceased ~ 5.200 B.C. is not direct related with the tablets (unknown age, but by the writing point of view much newer).                       No single human made any proto-writing signs before 4.000 B.C. other than pictographic!                  I feel so sorry and frustated as somebody as top-level scientist, is indirectly recognising that is down, have no drop of energy/resource and signaling that is defeated (by the signs).....
Signs >> and that-one (Z-like) underneath.
After an excursus of where and in how many instances from paleolithic humans used arrows, he (Merlini) come to conclude:
Merlini"On the circular tablet from Tărtăria, the sign >>represents two arrows in abstract style pursuing the target. It might be indicated by the sign incised below,
, with an unfortunately obscure meaning."
Me: Fortunately noticed the proto-cuneiform RU-sign (close to >>) but not know the meaning, and that there was also an sign >(wich theoretically could be doubled >> as to form plural)
 (Z-like) underneath ("double-cross"-like as named by Mr.Merlini)   Image, from  KEITH MASSEY                                                
                                             Sign from

Merlini:The "sign"does not find parallelism with the Proto-cuneiform pictogram ATU 295, 1397= Jaritz#560 1398. It is just the duplication of the sign ATU 223 = Jaritz #101,
, which indicates a ’branch growingfrom a stem’, and symbolizes ’grow (large), swell up, bud’. However, the is partially present at Jemdet
Nasr as the 90 grades rotated(JN 47). Regularizing and standardizing the Proto-Sumerian pictograms, Zakar believes to have found the Transylvanian sequence also at Jemdet Na sr ( ), and at Knossos (in the form)1399. In Akkadian cuneiform, the double-bar sign has the Labat n umber 295 with phonetic value PA, KUN, meaning branch’, ‘club’, ‘scepter’
1400. Denoting also someone holding these tokens of authority, it acquired the meaning of someone in power1401. However, some convergences are also with Labat number 467: a ‘god’, ‘the hero’1402
Me: The sign is present from Cretan hierogliphyc through Linear A/B as sign PA2, and is also present coincidentaly in sumerian as PA,"branch" but also as "branch,upper part,supervisor,someone in power,etc"
No wonder by my side: no direct sign connection, the sign remain suspended in the thin air of the Vinca civilisation.Mr.Merlini is bounded to the conception that some-how Vincans wrote. Dissapointment, they made big steps but stopped at the point to discover and use proto-writing!
Merlini:"The analysis of the convergences of the
from Tărtăria with early writing systems evidences a common thread from the Danube script to the Aegean writings. The occurrence within inscriptions of the Danube script documents its use on ceremonial objects of the Danube civilization, and its very rare
presence on daily utilitarian articles confirms the magic-religious significance of this sign.
Me:Not given a chance to sumerians, (apropos Ba+Ru=Baru, barupa": "magician"                          ;also Ba+Ru=Pa). Nor the slightest chance to Cretan hierogliphyc 2200B.C, or Linear A 2.000 B.C. or even for Linear B 1500 B.C. They wrote for nothing.                                    Again, so sorry.

Those "complex" ideograms on the right side,
The image, from KEYTH MASSEY
Left ideogram/logogram
Merlini:"The finds no obvious correspondences in Akkadian cuneiform. It is paralleled with Labat sign n. 353 by Badiny, with phonetic value ŠA, meaning ‘face’, ‘care’ 1415. But it is the Labat sign n. 172, with sound NE and meaning ‘fire’, according to Kolev 1416. As a representation of a fireplace, a similar symbol occurs on an Assyrian relief from the 9
th century BC, or even older. The sign means ‘throne’ or ‘table’ in the inscriptions of the Hieroglyphic Luwian1417. The assumed convergence between the Transylvanian and the, A330 in Linear A, is unconvincing 1418. In this Cretan writing, the correlated sign is the A3 18,1419.To summarize, even if the (sign)is more or less present in different repertories of ancient systems of writing, it is typical of the Danube civilization and finds the best correspondences within the Vinča and Turdaș cultures as elements of the symbolic code1420. It is not a sign of the Danube script.Its naturalistic rendering indicates it as an altar for fire sacrifice, with three columns that seem to designate three tongues of fire. In the present book, Gh. Lazarovici advances the interpretation and
related archaeological evidence that this symbol represents an altar model, an altar for the worship of fire. Analogies with ancient rituals might support this interpretation. Hindu fire worship begins with an off ering to the three tongues of fire that represent the Orient, the Occident and the central place,followed by an invocation to the divinities. In the Manuscripts from Qumran Cave1, 1Q29 1Q is the “Liturgy of the Three Tongues of Fire” 1421
Me: Has simylarities with Cretan hierogliphyc and Linear A&B as showed in my papers.
So you're right It is not a sign of the Danube script .It is of Sumerian/Aegean origin.                         Closest is proto-cuneiform SA ("sieve") wich was and is my rendering
An altar, yes, but not necessary an altar for fire sacrifice.An altar for burning incences in many rituals.Gr.eskara lat.asa
Right ideogram/logogram
Merlini:THE ORANTE-DANCER The ‘orante-dancer’,(sign 13a and 13b in fi g. VIIC.6b), incised on the right of the and on the edge of the quadrant, occurs only at Tărtăria.
Me: Not like an orante dancer but like a female astral deity!                                              There it is not in upper part the sign UD or PIR "pine" it is udu,utu:SUN" and precisely U:day,SUN
At the base is the sign AB or UNUG :"abode"
So if it is 90% sumerian sign then close to "Sun-shrine/abode" and in our case could be with equal chances also an female astral deity, simylar to TANIT (70% same graphics) and much close than Tanit a deity as ASASARA.
It seems that at minoans and before them, topmost deity in the Balcans was a GODDESS not a God.
See my Cretan hierogliphyc-Linear A,B reading attempt.
Merlini 2011
"sign of SAMAS, Sun-God"
PROTO CUNEIFORM SUMERIAN SIGNS (Late Uruk)                                                                ALL SIGNS ARE PRESENT ON TARTARIA ROUND TABLET
Sumerian proto-cuneiform signs are from  from UCLA
(otherwise also look at Mr. Fackelmann sign-list )

AB present in the ideogram of Sun-abode=sign of city LARSA
present in ideogram of sun-abode, sign of city LARSA
AMAR (calf)
ARARMA, sign present on emblem of cty Larsa (sun-abode)
ASZ,AS (upper half,right, up)
BA bow-arrow sign
ENSI Lord, (here first sign) present in downward half, left side, most underside
Ga2 ! but there is other sign rotated 90deg,) wich is our sign in upper first from the left
(same as above Gur)
sign GAR read NINDA (portion,cereal,BREAD), possible present as ?close? imitation in D D o o sequence
sign KU (upper half utmost left)
Sign LAGAB "hole,circle" present in D D o o sequence
LAGAB LAGAB (2 times LAGAB=or "2 round circles"="NIGIN" present in D D o o
also NIGIN "whole,total,enclosed,roaming around"... etc etc.
sign LISZ, present in downward left quadrant doubled, as >>
sign MAS present as the cross wich divedes tablet (?remember"twin, kid"?)
sign PA "overseer inspector" on extreme down-leftward sign/quarter
PA3 possible those 2 signs in the quarter mentioned above
same quarter, sign RU ......forgot meaning
sign SUR "rain,flow,press,squeze,warrior,,etc.etc" 2-nd D in the D D o o row
SZA, SA         present as such in the downward side, right, 2-nd from right to left.
U4 It is day=SUN! present in LARSA stamp=sun-God abode sign on downward side, first from R to L
sign UDU sheep ?related to the cross wich divides the tablet?
also UDUb
UNUG quite same with AB "house,abode" present in sun-God abode
twoo rounds twooxLAGAB ..number 10 10 =20
also imprinted round :"10"
big D: sign 1 ="dis""dil" or 60 !Sumerians made numbers only by imprinting!!