Trei (sau mai multe) aspecte sant pregnante si totodata relevante, ele fiind rezultatul cercetarilor mele anterioare si ale altora, ele constituind baza si osatura prezentei argumentatii:
1.Tablita are prezentarea grafica generala ca fiind un cerc impartit de o "cruce greceasca", adica cruce cu brate egale.Aceasta forma (cruce in cerc) este comuna calendarelor de tip lunisolar.
2.Atunci cand tablitele erau purtate ca un pandantiv, agatate cu un snur in jurul gatului, jumatatea de sus a tablitei rotunde, deci si presupusul mesaj erau acoperite de tablita dreptunghiulara. Se presupune astfel ca mesajul continut ar fi avut un caracter secret.
3.Semnele continute in jumatatea de sus, dupa mine constituie un grup separat "de alta opinie" reprezentand la o adica litere prezente in alfabetul grec arhaic.Este posibil ca doar jumatatea de sus sa contina un mesaj coerent sau important, restul semnelor de pe tablita avand un rol de semne ritualice.Totusi in ultima instanta se poate incerca si citirea acelor semne. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Se pare ca este vorba de un calendar arhaic, de sorginte Europeana, mai precis cu legaturi in Zona Egeeana, mai precis civilizatia Minoana (?pelasgica?).
In primul rand, va fac cunoscut ca semnul "H" din grupul "HD" situat in sfertul din stanga reprezinta in scrierile hieroglifica cretana si Linear A semnul PA3 care reprezinta consoana PA sau PAi.

Semnul "D" nu a fost folosit cu exact aceasta forma in niciuna din scrierile vechi Egeene, prima oara aparand in Europa in alfabetul arhaic grec ca un urmas al phenicianului dalet si totodata semn urmas al lui delta.
Daca este vorba de un timp presupus foarte indepartat, atunci nici-un cercetator nu stie ce poate reprezenta. Totusi, marea majoritate, in lipsa de optiuni au presupus ca reprezinta Luna.
Daca ar fi dupa scrierea Linear A, am avea PA3 +"simbolul lunii"
In ( inca nedescifrata complet) limba minoana, am avea:
PA-MINI(pronuntare mene, meinei) sau MENO
PA:"tot, toate"
PAMENO, PAMENOS este atestat ca insemnand "toate lunile", deci "AN, (acest) AN" ANISTORITON Journal of History, Archaeology, ArtHistory: Viewpoints › english › enback
One of the faces reads: Pa-me-ni po-lo 100 The foals (polo(i)) for this year (pameni has the dative ending, but cf. Greek pammenos)
Vre-o 5 cercetatori nu stiu daca mai luandu-se unul dupa altul sau nu presupun in semnele "DDoo" ca reprezinta fazele Lunii. Sigur, ar putea fi si asa.
Eu, nu pentru ca as avea tendinta de a fi "Gica contra", am avut propria ipoteza relativ la presupusele faze ale lunii.
1.Fazele Lunii reprezentate pictografic ne indeparteaza de o presupusa faza a unui scris, ba la o adica ne scoate chiar inafara domeniului proto-scrierii.
2. O legatura intre fazele lunii si ciclul lunar feminin, mai mult decat constatarea une suprapuneri a intervalului de timp, este un demers complex.Nu-i neglijez utilitatea. Se pare ca dovezi scrise asupra faptului ca au inceput sa fie cunoscute anumite perioade de fertilitate si infertilitate in cadrul ciclului apar de-abia cateva secole IEN in scrierile arabe daca tin bine minte.
3.Calendarul "clasic, astronomic, normal"era extrem de important intrucat era legatura oamenilor cu agricultura natura si implicit subzistenta. A lunar calendar is one in which days are numbered within each lunar phase cycle. Because the length of the lunar month is not an even fraction of the length of the tropical year, a purely lunar calendar quickly drifts against the seasons. It does, however, stay constant with respect to other phenomena, notably tides. Lunar calendars are believed to be the oldest calendars invented by mankind. Cro-Magnon people are claimed to have invented one around 32,000 BC. Lunar calendars are also liked to feminine goddess energies. A lunisolar calendar is a lunar calendar that compensates by adding an extra month as needed to realign the months with the seasons. An example is the Jewish calendar which uses a 19 year cycle

What could be the oldest lunar calendar ever created has been identified on the walls of the famous, prehistoric caves at Lascaux in France. The interpretation that symbolic paintings, dating back 15,000 years, show the Moon going through its different phases comes from Dr Michael Rappenglueck, of the University of Munich.
The German researcher has previously associated patterns left in the caves with familiar stars and constellations. He now says groups of dots and squares painted among representations of bulls, antelope and horses depict the 29-day cycle of the Earth's satellite. .
30 July 2016 12:30 A Minoan Calendar of Bronze Age Time By Richard Heath First published in 2004 at See also Sacred Number .
vedeti si ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ce ar fi semnele din sfertul din dreapta?
+++++ La minoani si micenieni semnul - bara orizontala reprezenta 10 iar unitatile erau bare verticale, I de exemplu pentru 1.
Atunci am putea avea 10+1+1+1+1+1 =15?
Sau semne de tip raboj, si atunci "5"?
Daca aplicam aceeasi citire semnelor D, am avea MENO MENO oo
Apoi Menomeno, menomenos in greaca insemna anormal .
Dupa cum am dedus eu MENO inseamna "salas, a slaslui, a mana(ramane), etc" iar sufixul -Menos se foloseste pentru formarea participiului.dar tot sufixul menos atasat unei notiuni arata "putin"
...adica "putin acasa", bolnav de cap.
Mare problema cu semnele "oo" sau "oc" Din

Daca luam timpul minoanilor 2200-2000 BC nu ar fi posibil sa avem in semnele OC literele aparute ulterior OS si atunci sa avem MENOMENOS
..pai cum?
Behind the Name: Name Element MENOS › element
The meaning, origin and history of the name element "menos" ... Greek element meaning " mind, strength, courage, force".
Oricum, important e ceea ce inseamna menomeno/menomenos:
01 vico historia - Sardegna Digital Library › documenti 5 iun. 2008 · FRANCESCO MANCONI, The Kingdom of Sardinia, a Province ...... Sardeña Menomenos en griego, y en latín Insanos
Daca in schimb am lua sensul lui MENO:"Luna", atunci ar rezultat "luna mai putin"
Ce ar putea fi?
This Proto-Indo-European entry contains reconstructed words and roots. As such, the ... From earlier **méh₁n̥ss, probably from *meh₁- (“to measure”)
- starea de corp mort in unele eg Iluna si in limba basca/euscara particula "I" mort, sau
- nu starea de a fi mort ci de a fi bolnava, palida si in acest sens anormala, adica nesanatoasa,
-deasemenea in alte limbi (hitita) ARMA reflecta starea de deprivat.sARMAn, orfan
Din When someone passed by, he went to be a member of 'the ones that live at night' . He was led by the Moon or 'Ilargi' [i'ljargi = Light of the Deads (literal translation)] in the dark through a path up to a cavern called 'Mari's Cave'. During the trip, the deceased was protected from the bad spirits by the symbol of Mari, the 'Lauburu', that had previously been engraved on his tombstone.
Din .53 — MOON — The Anatolian word for ‘moon’ was arma-; it appears in this shape in Hitt. and Luwian, in Hier. as MOON-ma-, and in very many Anatolian names like Lycian Gk. Ερμαμοας, Ερμενηνις, Lyc. erm͂menẽni, etc. It generally means ‘month’ as well, like the numerous reflexes of IE *mēnes, etc., but clearly does not continue that term of its basic sense of ‘measuring’. Although pronounced “ohne Etymologie” by Tischler (T 62), arma- has been connected (e.g. Laroche, RHR 148 [1955]: 18-21) with a large group of words having to do with ‘weakness, sickness, paleness’, including arma(n)-, irma(n)-, irmanant- 16 HITTITE VOCABULARY ‘sickness’, derived from IE *ormo- as seen in OE earm, ON armr, Goth. arms ‘wretched’ (and possible Arm. ołorm ‘pity’), and explained as ‘the pale one’, in contrast to both the daytime sun and the widespread IE replacement lunar designation as ‘the shining one’ (Lat. lūna, etc.; Gk. σελήνη; Skt. candrámas-). Also related are armai- ‘be pregnant’, armahh- ‘impregnate’ (4.73; Puhvel, Bi. Or. 36 [1979]: 58); full dicussion in P 151–60.
Nu strica sa fac o revizuire.Initial, atat sumerienii cat si egiptenii au folosit anul impartit in 12 luni iar luna cu 30 de zile.Cel putin pe sumerieni nu i-a deranjat mult timp faptul ca aparea o decalare de cca 5.5 zile facand astfel socoteala.
Totusi primii care au stiut ca e vorba de 5 zile si au inceput sa aplice corectia in mod exact, au fost egiptenii.Ei au introdus o sarbatoare de 5 zile la sfarsitul anului si au corectat perfect problema.
The Egyptians divided each month into 30 days; however, at the end of every year there existed five additional days. ... The citizens of Sumer-an ancient civilization that existed in modern-day Iraq-also used a calendar that included 12 months.
Lunar Calendar
The Sumerians of Babylon were probably the first people to make a calendar. They used the phases of the moon, counting 12 lunar months as a year. To make up for the difference between this year and the year of the seasons, they inserted an extra month in the calendar about every four years.
The early Egyptians, Greeks, and Semitic peoples copied this calendar. Later the Egyptians worked out a calendar that corresponded almost exactly to the seasons.
The early Romans also used a calendar based on the moon. The year in this calendar was 355 days long. The months corresponding to March, May, July, and October each had 31 days; February had 28 days; and the rest had 29. An extra month was added about every fourth year.
Minoanii au observat ca dupa un anumit interval de timp pozitia lunii pe cer revine.Acel numar de ani a fost la ei 8 sau 9. culmea interval cumva egal cu numarul de ani ai domniei regelui Minos.
S-a gasit la ei un calendar, in care printre altele foloseau 5 faze ale lunii nu 4 si intr-un an aveau 60 de faze lunare.
In calendarul minoan gasit apar in colturi un numar de semne 2 si 3 care aveau rolul de a face decalarea/corectia.
The Minoan Calendar

The two main patterns
His observed two main patterns in each vertical and horizontal row of the border: 62 colored crescent-shapes laid out in a 5-color sequence (orange, red, white, blue, black), and around those crescents, another pattern—16 rows of short black lines or “tracks,” the rows laid out in alternating orange and blue. The 16 rows make up 4 complete layers or circuits of the Fresco border. In Minoan Linear A script, a crescent signifies “moon,” and a short black “tick” is the numeral 1. Indeed, the two main patterns (62 colored crescents, and 390 tracks per circuit of the border) total close to a year of 5-phase moons and a 365-day solar year.
Why, though, did the border break its own established color-sequence and arrangement? And why had Minoan masters promised the eye a sharp rectangular border only to leave an awkward imbalance of “extra” tracks (in 3’s and 7’s) at the rectangle’s corners? The trick was to find by experiment the starting-point for counting through the fresco border’s features. Minoans read from left-to-right. When Herberger followed that one clue, an amazing series of patterns unfolded, with a logic that is fully answered by experiments and comparative evidences of many kinds.
The Minoan Great Year
The Minoan Great Year produces two signs in the actual sky that repeat every 8½ years: a New Crescent Moon at Winter Solstice (that is, New Year Day), followed six months later by a Full Moon at Summer Solstice. These unions, separations and returns (a known feature of Cretan folk dance) mark the observable unity of lunar/solar time and hence the “marriage of moon and sun” accomplished by all calendars.Based in direct observation, these signs require no intervention of a priestly class to “tell the time.” Computer-simulation research shows that the phase of each moon along the 8 years of Solar Solstices is remarkably consistent over thousands of years. They could be learned, memorized and used in both practical and symbolic ways.
If we begin counting colored crescents on the fresco at the lower right corner (because Minoans read left-to-right), the orange crescent there might signify a New Crescent Moon at Winter Solstice/New Year Day. Count upward thirty black “tracks,” pass through a red (waxing), white (full) and blue (waning, shadow) phase, and there is a black or perhaps Dark Moon.
Continue on counting the colored crescents through one 5-phase month at a time, across the horizontal top and beyond, and indeed the fresco’s border completes a 12-moon year precisely (12 x 5 = 60)—with two points where its own broken color logic requires that we “leap” them and the sets of “extra” black tracks close by them.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Daca este vorba de ceva anormal, lor nu li se parea absolut de loc ca miscarea soarelui sau lunii ar fi anormale.este adevarat ca ei nu puteau vedea pozitia soarelui fata de stele intrucat ziua soarele straluceste orbitor si nu avem referinta stelele.Deci numai luna putea fi referinta.
Ei vedeau ca daca anul incepe la soltstitiul de iarna la luna noua, dupa 6 luni la solstitiul de vara aveau luna plina. Aceasta pereche soare-luna executa un dans cosmic si era vorba si de o comuniune/casatorie a soarelui cu luna.
In menomenos este vorba de diminuarea nu a lunii sau ciclului lunar ci diminuare a anului care fara corectii avea 360 zile, care este mai putin si de aceea considerat anormal.Cercul cu cruce continand 3 luni in fiecare sfert nu este normal este diminuat fata de cel real! unui interval de cicluri lunare.
Si atunci am putea avea:
I stanga, toate lunile=1 an
In dreapta, menomenos:"luni diminuate"?", intervalul lunilor mai mic"la care se adauga 5 zile pe an
Ar mai putea fi vorba de un posibil ciclu de 15 ani care este foarte apropiat de ciclul SAROS-18 ani/METONIC-19 ani unde corectia este si mai buna. The saros (/ˈsɛərɒs/ ( For astronomy and calendar studies, the Metonic cycle or Enneadecaeteris (from Ancient Greek: ἐννεακαιδεκαετηρίς, "nineteen years") is a period of very close to 19 years that is nearly a common multiple of the solar year and the synodic (lunar) month. The Greek astronomer Meton of Athens (fifth century BC) observed that a period of 19 years is almost exactly equal to 235 synodic months and, rounded to full days, counts 6,940 days. The difference between the two periods (of 19 years and 235 synodic months) is only a few hours, depending on the definition of the year.
In Linear a si linear B semnul "o" (cerc) reprezinta cifra 100.Atunci ar putea fi vorba de ciclul SAROS care are 223 de luni sinodice iar noi avem pe tablita doar oo =100 100 =200.
Ciclul SAROS are 18 ani si 223 lunatii.ia sa facem calculul cate lunatii ar corespunde la un ciclu mai mic de 15 ani
18 ...223
15.....x x=185 lunatii, iar noi avem cifra nu 223 ci 200
Cu cat timpul este mai indepartat, trebuie sa asteptam un calendar de factura mai grosiera, iar cu cat ne apropiem de timpurile noastre putem avea pretentia de socoteli mai exacte.
Sa nu mai aduc vorba ca daca ar fi sa luam semnele ca litere grecesti arhaice am avea:
HP/HT ="HR" iar DDoc ="RRos"
HoRa,ora /HoRo ROROS
Timp/Anotimp/limita RURAL(de la tara!)
Unde cifra 5/15? ramane valabila !
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