The real age cannot be determined anymore. Taking acount of finding circumstances, not only the age (strata in wich were found the tablets) but also the exact location of cultic pit, of the pit house, and also location of every item/artefact in the ritualic-funerary complex is not sure. Taking account of the fact that begining of writing in the World is not older than 3.500 B.C. in all three places, Mesopotamia, Indus-Valley/Elam, and Egypt, (note that then was not yet proper writing), - From the start, the tablet's age could not depass 3.500 B.C. As you see later, I show evidences that the tablets could be much, much newer. So the supposed deceased shaman/priestes with the age of the bones determined 5.500-6.000 B.C. is not at all related with the tablets.
P.S. A make-up story around the supposed "Lady Tartaria", as good would be for a novel or mooving-picture, is of no help in the scientific endeavour. On contrary, in an allready misty subject, the result is to completely envolope the matter in an undesirable deep fogg. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main researchers on the field are sustaining a proto-writing in Vinca-Culture area. It is an undisputed issue. Even so, this must be proofed/!not yet !. From the begining there are only twoo main directions:
A- Sustaining an Danubian/Vinca early "writing" wich precedes that sumerian-one.
B -An sumerian-inspired writing. not early than that sumerian one.
A. Is out of discussion.Scientists agree.
An Danubian/Vinca "writing" is in thin air , without support, as long as not was proofed that Danubians invented writing, more than this, they even not attained the proto-writing phase.
Now, as a ultimate option, having no sufficient confidence in the archeologic data, nor in the support of some utmost skilled in writings researchers, I had a last option to throughly analise the signs, to compare them with the main writing systems, counting the common number of signs, test those tablet signs with the known writings, as to see in wich measure they match every wryting sistem, an as result how "friendly" they behave. It seems that even later supposed culture of the tablets, Cotofeni Culture, not developed yet writing.
B. Sumerian-inspired, ( I say, at the limit) could be, as opinated prestige assyorologists Adam Falkenstein, M.S.Hood, H.Haarman, A.A.Vaiman and Rumen Kolev.
From Thoughts about a “reconsideration” of the Tărtăria tablets Attila László http://www.daciajournal.ro/pdf/dacia2016/18.pdf
"....the study of A. Falkenstein, the first Assyriologist who thoroughly checked Vlassa’s conclusions and who comparatively examined, one by one, the signs from the Tărtăria tablets and their early Mesopotamian parallels. He established the existence of certain similarities in terms of the form of the tablets, the division of the surface in columns and partitions (Fächer), in which the signs were then inscribed. He noticed that, from the 20 (or 24, with variants) signs on the second and third Tărtăria tablets, precise analogies were drawn for five, and similar forms were found for six among the archaic texts from Uruk (in German, Archaische Texte aus Uruk, abbreviated: ATU)25. All the 11 correspondences belong to the Uruk IIIb period (Djemdet Nasr), which can be dated to the time frame between 2800 and 2750 BC, also representing the chronological reference for dating the Tărtăria tablets. In Falkenstein’s opinion, the correlations established between the Tărtăria clay tablets and the Sumerian ones indicate an impulse (Anregung) from Mesopotamia. At the same time, he stressed the fact that, unlike the Mesopotamian written clay tablets, the Tărtăria tablets were made
from coarse material, were perforated (in order to be suspended?) and fired, the signs were incised (not impressed), the signs for numbers (characteristic to the Mesopotamian tablets, having an economic character)
were (partially?) missing, etc. ............................ Among the differences between the signs on the Tărtăria tablets and the ones on the
Mesopotamian tablets E. Qasim notices the fact (already remarked by Falkenstein in 1965) that the signs for numbers, which are constantly present on the compartmentalized Mesopotamian tablets (which contain economic texts), cannot be identified on the Tărtăria tablets. However, Qasim finds that the sign in the form
of the letter D, followed by two small circles (marked with no. 7 on the Tiumenev 1 tablet and on the second Tărtăria tablet) can be identified with the conventional sign used in the Assyriology literature for the graphic transcription of the signs impressed on the clay tablets, corresponding to the numbers 1 and 10. In order to perfect her “indictment”, E. Qasim appreciates that those two signs (in fact: two simple motifs, a semicircle or half‑moon and circle), which do not have correspondences in the real Mesopotamian signs, were imitations of the conventional transcriptions of certain signs copied from the secondary Assyriology literature, "
From http://cakravartin.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/mystery-of-tatarlaka-klara-friedrich.pdf "M.S. Hood, an English archeologist, who states that the disk and tablets were carried by Sumerian merchants to Tatárlaka, where the native inhabitants did not understand the written signs but copied them and used them for religious purposes."
A.A.Vaiman, corectly named "quasi-sumerian Tartaria tablets". But in my opinion, as that of others, not a sumerian hand scraped the signs, nor an native sumerian scribe. My opinion is that the signs are not proper (exactly) proto-cuneiform signs. The smoking gun for other origin for the signs than directly from sumerian, by short, is the presence of the D-signs, (unused in sumerian proto-writing), the Chet/het shape of the H-sign wich in a similar shape appeared in Europe first on Aegean area (Crete).
Certainly, there is a link with the sumerian signs. And not "some signs", but all the signs could be found in an exact shape or close in the proto-cuneiform sign list. It is not "by chance", the signs not appeared there by random. And retain, the first instance when such signs appeared in the World was in Sumer in the proto-writing fase. One have the exact shape of some signs as AB(house), ARARMA(bull calf) and many others: PA, SE, LAGAB, etc. and with close shape: GAR, SA,RU, sun-God temple...
B. Other writings wich are suspected are those Cretan-ones (with 3 main variants:Cretan hieroglyphic, Linear A and Linear B...+Cypro-Minoan). Here also we have not all the signs from those writings. Here, we are encountering the same problem, D-shape sign was not used by them. But I found on Tartaria tablets a good bunch of signs (ideograms/logogram/syllabograms) common /(paired!) ,and present in both writings: Sumerian and Aegean ! : sumerian ARARMA/ Aegean MA ; sumerian SE/Aegean TE; sumerian PA/Aegean PA; sumerian KU/Aegean PA3
C. Phoenician/Old hebrew writings not sufficient matching.We have the exact chet/het-shape, also HD could be phoenician/old hebrew "het-qopf". <so ? qoch:"ossuary/loculus"-KoK(aion?> Have also signs/letters "zain", and probably "samech".But in those writings there was no D-shaped signs.They had P sign for qof and dalet/delta sign for D.
D. Anatolian writing could be also a goot candidate (especially carian alphabets). The only writings in wich I found 90% of the signs was sumerian and carian !
From the begining I tried to find the writing wich matching close; *only after this, in the case of "D-letter" signs, runing out of options I gave the "Moon" significance.
In my opinion, by 3.000 B.C., not moon-phases killing them but everyday necessities for making a living and apropiate the nature-gods in order to have good crops. As Mrs. Denisse Schmand Besserat demonstrated writing appeared first as a counting goods necesity.
*! Not the case of sumerian approach where we had sumerian GAR(ninda) signs as egyptian "T":"loaf of bread"!
In a way, one could "depass" the phonetics/interpretation and translation of the signs, whatever sumerian or Aegean, having an "up from high" vision, and take directly the meaning of ideograms ! eg: The signs on squared Tartaria tablet with hole, Image, from http://su-varna.org/izdanij/Magazin%201%20conf/Pages%20from%2046%20to%2053.pdf https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRPrYdeD189MSKLzKIXmzILQSZ1K0n_h1eFtByuYrEClb90EJbnoQ
In sumerian, signs:Ararma (bull-calf) + nigin5 +ABhttp://etcsl.orinst.ox.ac.uk/edition2/signlist.php
LAL×LAL.LAGAB Borger: LAL2.LAGAB | ![]() ![]() | niĝin5 |
bull-calf+nigin5+ AB =(sun) Bull/calf+ turning, whole +house =house,abode (of) turning(sun) , or only last 2 signs : (sun) bull +house interpreted as:" house,abode (of) bull(sun) ; in sumerian this sign pair could be read NERGAL wich is the pair or underground instance of the Sun-God,
From https://cdli.ucla.edu/tools/signlists/protocuneiform/archsigns.html NERGAL~x

DAG dwelling | E2 house | EN ..... DARA3 ~ IBEX |durah (dara3) [89x] = wild goat, mountain goat | )
"-I am convinced that Nergal is the netherworld aspect of the sun-god, on the basis of late mystical texts which I had looked at in the Erra thread . One text states dšamaš u nergal(U.GUR) istēn(1)en ("Šamaš and Nergal are one ") -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now, I will present you a particularity of the signs, wich I noticed (beeing the single one who noticed /Why ?) :
The signs are a bunch or unusual mixture of mainly three type of signs, so having an eterogen nature :
-pure pictographic signs/pictograms (sqarred without hole)
-ideogram/syllabograms (squarred with hole)
-syllabogram/letters (round-one with hole) ; pure letters (upper half of round-one)
Due of this above, the age of the tablets could be the age of the newest type of writing.The D-shaped signs first appeared in epichoric variants of archaic greek alphabets (for letter D in a plece and for letter R in another).
So we could have in that upper half archaic greek letters. E.g. The archaic shape of eta was pronounced at the begining H/He, and was used first in Crete and later diffused in all Mediteranean as for letter H. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTqDynC22_KwCL0oLlpAu3HnTvwBisR1bQcP-kqdlTV-Puybhep

Also is possible to have an local-derived from archaic greek writing in upper half.
From http://www.codex99.com/typography/13.html http://www.codex99.com/typography/images/ancient/greek_sign.gif

Archaic greek, but even old latin, venetic could be. The rest of the signs (out of upper half) could have only an magic-religious-ritual role. Not necessary carring an concrete message.
Unlike the case of Linear A/B where we have at disposal hundreds of tablets, Tartaria tablets are unique of their kind (and in the area), some strange if not weird singletons.
For the place of origin. In my opinion, not originated, nor "written" at Tartaria, Romania.Place of origin south and again south. Image, from https://www.boone.kyschools.us/docs/building/9/unit%202%20chapter%2004.pdf
Taken or written by an Aegean migrant, but rather originated somewhere in actual Greece teritory, rather in Aegean area, say Cyclades(Syros) or Crete.
This hypothesis is in total acordance with studies of Mr. Evangelos Papakitsos and Iannis Kenanidis wich found evidences that at least of early minoans were in fact sumerian migrants. As a consequence, an direct sumerian contact and cultural infusion with Balkan/Danubian civilisation is not necessary, as the influence could be transmited via Aegean. Some (not few) common elements (regarding the writing) to all three civilisations, were evidenced independently by me in my papers.
Besides, especially due of the "cursed, damned" ,unexplained, "accidental", but also "new" characteres/charagmata "D-letter" shaped signs, present on upper half, in/from the time perspective, the supposed tablets's age would be expanded in an untolerable span:
- between 3.000 B.C. (close-shaped signs, but imprinted used for bread-portions/?Moon phases?) and 800 B.C. (archaic greek letters) ,D-shaped signs were not used in any world writing systems ,or
- any age from "xyz" B.C. to "uvw" A.D., even as new "as could be made yersterday". Don't know exact intention of the writer, so who what wanted to show to whom.
By short, we are forced to choose only one out of two (large distanced in time) possiblities: - an old age close to 3.000 B.C. with the ununswered question regarding the meaning of the D-signs, or - a quite new age close to 800-300 B.C.
Any world writing sistem was not invented in a couple of years, nor in the 100 years course, it is quite a long and complex matter, not depend as one expect on some local human abilities, but as a responce in complex (social and economical) societies to their social and economical life, by short to their necessities and needs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The bablets could be so new as to have:
From https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/serbare#Conjugation Italian servare Etymology From Latin servāre, present active infinitive of servō.
Serbare to keep or maintain /to preserve or reserve “Io serbo”
From..https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/servos Latin servos m accusative plural of servus
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/servus#Latin servus Etymology From Proto-Indo-European *ser-wo (“guardian”), possibly from "ser" (“watch over, protect”). 1.a servant 2.a serf 3.a slave
From https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hora#Latin hōra f (genitive horae
From https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/heros heros 1.(lliteraly) demigod, hero 2.(transferred sense, Ciceronian) an iilustrious man
From The New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal https://books.google.ro/books?id=JiM8AQAAMAAJ
the Latin Herus, the Low German Heer, the High German Herr, (Master, Lord.) The whole meaning of the Homeric Heros is preserved in the German Herr :
So from +++++ HP D b o c
HR Se R b o s
? Lord slaves / Lord servants /HERO** servants/ time keep,maintain /serbian *HRistos / HAR*** keeper ? ? HAR/haro/Ede DiDou "give charis; give death; give eat" ?
(* I not found anywhere the Christ monogram, only and only as XP ! ; **thracian heros ; *** har,slavonic haru "gift,CHARM") ....proto-Indo-European root Xar(Char) :"fitted in a pleasant,beautiful manner"
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