There is the only paper I know wich go strait as to proove that we have on Tartaria tablets writing. Even if not proper writing and one wich is using pictograms and ideograms so talking in fact of proto-writing. Is a paper of a bulgarian scientist RUMEN KOLEV :
ПЛОЧКИТЕ ОТ ТАРТАРИЯ И ЧАШАТА ОТ СУВОРОВО – ДВА „НАДПИСА” НА РАННАТА ДУНАВСКА КУЛТУРА И РАЗШИФРОВАНЕТО ИМ Румен Колев http://www.su-varna.org/izdanij/Magazin%201%20conf/Pages%20from%2046%20to%2053.pdf
wich goes close to my conclusions of my sumerian aproach, but he choosed -not to precise identify each sumerian sign and show their sumerian appearance (shape) and name. But luckily enough, - he succeded to corect identify many of them (bull/cattle, god, temple, branch/corn, altar, idea of offering, >>=sign "RU",etc.). Where he has the sun sign, I have the (sun)GOD sign wich is close. All this green underlined are common with mines !
- Either don't know why he not took the tablets separately and choosed to get meanings reading them only as beeing superposed !?.
What Mr. Marco Merlini allready noticed the tablets were made and intended to be worned as a pair around neck. Thats's why the upper half is hidden by that squared-one.And not without reason or the only reason.Cause the message not to beeing seen or understood by passers-by and because seems that there are there "words of power" or related to deep magical rituals related to god(s). That mystical magical ritual was influencing the course of people's life and destiny!
So that's why at all I do not understand the logic of Mr. Kolev wich choosed to read the exposed message and not take account of the paramount importance of the hidden esoteric message ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See exemple of proto-writing,proto-cuneiform writing and reading:
There is the only paper I know wich go strait as to proove that we have on Tartaria tablets writing. Even if not proper writing and one wich is using pictograms and ideograms so talking in fact of proto-writing. Is a paper of a bulgarian scientist RUMEN KOLEV :
ПЛОЧКИТЕ ОТ ТАРТАРИЯ И ЧАШАТА ОТ СУВОРОВО – ДВА „НАДПИСА” НА РАННАТА ДУНАВСКА КУЛТУРА И РАЗШИФРОВАНЕТО ИМ Румен Колев http://www.su-varna.org/izdanij/Magazin%201%20conf/Pages%20from%2046%20to%2053.pdf
wich goes close to my conclusions of my sumerian aproach, but he choosed -not to precise identify each sumerian sign and show their sumerian appearance (shape) and name. But luckily enough, - he succeded to corect identify many of them (bull/cattle, god, temple, branch/corn, altar, idea of offering, >>=sign "RU",etc.). Where he has the sun sign, I have the (sun)GOD sign wich is close. All this green underlined are common with mines !
- Either don't know why he not took the tablets separately and choosed to get meanings reading them only as beeing superposed !?.
What Mr. Marco Merlini allready noticed the tablets were made and intended to be worned as a pair around neck. Thats's why the upper half is hidden by that squared-one.And not without reason or the only reason.Cause the message not to beeing seen or understood by passers-by and because seems that there are there "words of power" or related to deep magical rituals related to god(s). That mystical magical ritual was influencing the course of people's life and destiny!
So that's why at all I do not understand the logic of Mr. Kolev wich choosed to read the exposed message and not take account of the paramount importance of the hidden esoteric message ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See exemple of proto-writing,proto-cuneiform writing and reading:
From Language, Literacy, and Technology https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/language-literacy-and-technology/ancient-writing-in-mehttps://static.cambridge.org/resource/id/urn:cambridge.org:id:binary:17706:20160804090558862-0668:03648fig5_9.png?pub-status=live
Immage from ESCRITURA DE TARTARIA http://www.proel.org/index.php?pagina=alfabetos/tartaria
Folowing picture from:
We have folowing signs
- upper side, those little 3 D-s
The signs seem not to be made in traditional proto-cuneiform technique .That type of signes were not made in traditional technique (pressing the other edge opposite to the sharp edge).So the writer seems not to be a native sumerian.
In sumerian proto-cuneiform these kind of signs were used to mark measures and numbers
As counting measures,:
Sum. Sign GAR
by P Damerow - the sign. GAR designated, in fact, daily rations of barley prepared for workers from a certain amount of grain. The grain was probably, in order to make it ...
As number, (number 1); 60?

So maybe one sign count for number 1 or 60. 3 signs,so number 3 or 3x60=180
Near-by signs like:
Sumerian “sze/SE”
| ![]() |
niga, še
Also ratio
Sum. Sign GAR
Sumerian Beer - Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative - UCLA.edu
by P Damerow - the sign. GAR designated, in fact, daily rations of barley prepared for workers from a certain amount of grain. The grain was probably, in order to make it …
>->->->->->-> DDD
The grain sign and those of units/portion must be related even because are close one of each-other.
Possible and proposed reading,:
“3 ratio of grain/barley”
See that both encircled signs.Every of them was ment to be read as such,isolated.So coresponding to a separate single meaning for every sign.Not to form words by combyning the signs.
This interpretation is the direct result of the fact that the signs are phisically isolated in kind of houses/boxes.
Y-like sign on the left,
The Proto-Sumerian Language Invention Process by John A. Halloran
PAPa@t PAP~a@t
pab, pap, pa4: father; brother; man; leader
paþ[LUL]: leg.
pap: (cf., pab; pa4).
gú-tar: back of the head ('neck' + 'to cut (hair)').
Or sign
| ![]() |
ba9, bad, be
From A New Edition of the Proto-Elamite
Text MDP 17, 112 https://cdli.ucla.edu/pubs/cdlj/2015/cdlj2015_001.html
Every sign listed above most likely represents some kind of dependent worker (except M346, if that is indeed what is being counted in MDP 17, 350). Therefore it appears that N2 is used exclusively, or almost exclusively, to count various types of dependent workers – as opposed products, commodities, or animals as in the proto-cuneiform corpus. If this is true, then proto-Elamite N2 and proto-cuneiform N2have nothing in common apart from their graphical similarity.
Figure 3: The Early Convergence of N2 and BAD.
> convergence>BAD,TIL,US,UG

Even if N2 is used to denote dead or sacrificed animals in the Uruk corpora, the evidence for this is weak and the texts themselves are inconclusive. It is more likely that N2 in proto-cuneiform denotes the entities it counts as “other” or “special.” The meaning “dead” may then have been later attributed to it due to the confluence of the N2/“TIL” and “BAD” signs.
https://www.scribd.com/document/76183647/1800-Dicionario-Sumerio-Lexicon til: to be ripe, complete; to pluck; to put an end to, finish; to cease, perish (iti, 'moon', + íl, 'to be high; to shine' ?) [? ZATU-644 archaic frequency: 65; concatenation of 2 sign variants] .
tìla, tìl, ti: n., life (tu, 'to be born', + íla, 'to lift, carry').
v., to live; to keep alive; to survive (with -da-); to dwell; to be halted (singular stem; cf. sig7).
bad, be: to open; to let out; to go away; to be at a distance; to drive away; to separate, remove
(regularly followed by rá; cf., bara4 and semantics of bar) (open container with motion away from)
bàd: n., (city) wall [? EZEN archaic frequency: 114; concatenation of 3 sign variants] .
v., to climb, ascend.
Sumerian 1(one)=”dil”
The reading of “Y”-sign is
BAD :”to go away; to be at a distance; to drive; to separate”
Note. I am coming back after entire tablet reading and I change the above reading to
No,no much simple “one” (GOD)
_________ b o r d e r _____________ l i n e ____________
The sign on the right has a shape close to folowing proto-cuneiform signs:
Not the case of the sign
GA’ARb1 GA’AR~b1 cause this sign is simetrical and our NOT.

Also not the symetrical X shape of

Could be:

But I am not enirely for it,cause has no middle line separation.
But folowing sign is much close:


ab: window; opening; niche, nook (cf., aba).
aba, ab: lake; sea

Also (later?):
ab: window; opening; niche, nook (cf., aba).
aba, ab: lake; sea
AB sign reading:”temple,house”
Next is folowing an “insect”-like sign, as one my take the vertical line as the body and the rest as legs.
This sign is also isolated,”boxed”
My first connexion or thought seeing so many spike-like lines was of:

an: n., sky, heaven; the god An; grain ear/date cluster ('water' + 'high').

Wich could be as long as AN sign contain a cross, and superposed other X-es totaling a number of 12 spikes.
Close could be also the sign:

But IS NOT cause of paralel couple lines(2x3)x2=also 12
Our sign has not couples of paralel lines.
Reading AN sign:”sky, heaven; the god An “
Folowing, (also isolated,”Boxed”),a cat-donkey-like head sign:

I am not 100% for it cause our head is not squarred as above sign,but much close to:

amar: calf; young animal (áma, 'wild cow mother', + re7, 'to accompany, plural')
Eg. áb-amar: mother cow ('cow' + 'calf').?
Reading of sign:
-------------------------------b o r d e r----------- l I n e -----------------------------
Folowing in right extremity twoo signs.
This one on upper side conducted me first to see an head with hornes,like a goat.
If so the had is seeing to right.>>>
The folowing sign is not like our sign:


Now I come back after surveyed entire tablet and I am confident that I choosed correctly AMAR:”CALF”
I rushed before and did not searched the meaning of sign GIR3.I thought was a goat.Now I am coming back, and found:
Full text of "The Sumerian Account of the Invention of Writing ..
Some signs of the proto-cuneiform writing from Uruk do not seem to be the original invention on clay, but borrowings of signs already in existence on materials other than clay. The head of some animals such as donkey (ANSE), ibex (DARA 3 ), and ox (GIR3). and some other signs made up of curves and circles such as .
Much likely was composed using folowing signs:

http://enenuru.net/pdfs/SumerianFreq100_1500.pdf SAR2(HI):”to be numerous”
| ![]() |
da10, du10, dub3, dug3, 盧ォe, 盧ォi, ナ。ar2
And twwo signs:

From Sumerian Lexicon by John A. Halloran
https://www.scribd.com/document/76183647/1800-Dicionario-Sumerio-Lexicon bar: n., (out)side; soul, innards; fleece [BAR archaic frequency: 306].
v., to open; to uncover, expose; to see; to remove; to be absent; to release; to peel, pare, shell; to select; to
divide; to split; to distribute; to keep away
* Folowing signs with close shape not proposed cause there are angled.


| ![]() |
Sumerian Chinese - Forgotten Books
—. HI BAR,. ' spread out extended of a net and other things
(Reduplication means many and is enhancer)
The Class Reunion—An Annotated Translation and Commentary on the ...
The habitual character of the action is thus represented by the reduplication in {bar-bar} in the Sumerian and the use of a habitual nominal stem in Akkadian.
Hi-Bar-Bar:”be numerous,multiply,SPREAD OUT”
I am stressing, don’t know if theyr actual devellopement stage was one of proto-cuneiform or begun using proper cuneiform signs obtained using ligatures !

Two times LAL

We have the sign http://home.zcu.cz/~ksaskova/Sign_List.html LAL2xLAGAL wich is read NIGIN and/or NANGA
The Sumerian Language, An Introduction to Its History and ...
https://edoc.site › the-sumerian-language-...
Descripción: The Sumerian Language, An Introduction to Its History and Grammatical Structure - Marie-Louise Thomsen... ... kim 'to change' kar 'to goltake away' kud.r 'to cut' kdr 'to act as an enemy, t o change' kGi.6 'to be troubled' 14 'to carry' 1u.g 'to swarm' nigin 'to wander
https://edoc.site › the-sumerian-language-...
Descripción: The Sumerian Language, An Introduction to Its History and Grammatical Structure - Marie-Louise Thomsen... ... kim 'to change' kar 'to goltake away' kud.r 'to cut' kdr 'to act as an enemy, t o change' kGi.6 'to be troubled' 14 'to carry' 1u.g 'to swarm' nigin 'to wander
nigin ' to wander' pad.1 'to live (sing. tar ...
The Sumerian Language, An Introduction to Its Histor
nigin5, 7, 8, 9, nimen(3, 4, 5), nanga(2,3,4); naga district, province (Akkadian nagu(m) I, ‘region, district; coastal area (area litoranea)’[14
The End of the Dynasty of Nimrod-Enmekar (§§185-240)
www.christianhospitality.org › content
Heb. peleg = region and/or watercourse, Sumerian nanga, nigin or nishiga (or, nishima ), Akkadian nagu, nangu = region, or more specifically an irrigation region. (The ...
www.christianhospitality.org › content
Heb. peleg = region and/or watercourse, Sumerian nanga, nigin or nishiga (or, nishima ), Akkadian nagu, nangu = region, or more specifically an irrigation region. (The ...
psd.museum.upenn.edu/epsd/illl/html/Sign/Ea/Proto-Aa.htm [nigin5(LAL2xLAGAB)
http://www.bulgari-istoria-2010.com/Rechnici/Sumerian_Cuneiform_English_Dictionary_12.pdf 121B8 LAGAB | niĝin2 [214x] = encircle, go around
The Early Stages of the Sumerian City at Tell Zurghul: New Results ...
https://www.researchgate.net/.../321156232_The_Early_Stages_of_the_Sumerian_City_..theSumerian city of Nigin, the third city
Nero, etimo - Agorà Magazine
... nigin (2). n., enclosure, circle; capacity;whole (cf., kilib and gur4-gur4) [NIGIN archaic frequency]. v., to halt, turn away; to turn round; to start over; to surround; to enclose ..... [5] John Alan Halloran, Sumerian lexicon, Los Angeles, Logogram
Now see how the head of the BULL(SUN) is consisten also with reading LAL2.LAGAB, Sign, niĝin5 :”to turn round; to surround; to enclose “ wich could be applied to the Sun.
3. na-anNan(NISH2ni8-ishi)-ĝa = Nanga = Peleg. The unusual spelling of the name may be taken to indicate that the name read originally Nishiga (or Nishima) was pronounced later Nanga. (For nigin = nishima see ePSD s. nigin5, Lexical.) Heb. peleg = region and/or watercourse, Sumerian nanga, nigin or nishiga (or, nishima), Akkadian nagu, nangu = region, or more specifically an irrigation region. (The peculiar way the name is written, viz. with the signs na.an.gish[or:nish2].ni8[or:li].ish[i]-ma[or:ĝa], has led to the idea that the name is “Na-an-gish li-ish-ma” [“May he listen (lishma) joyfully (nangish)”], as nish2 is more commonly read gish, and ni8, more commonly read li.) The word nigin (otherwise nanga or nishiga etc.) is also written with the sign BULUG (in which case it means a boundary of a region or a boundary marker), Akkadian puluggu or pulukku, which is the same as the Heb. peleg. According to Genesis 10. 25, it was in the days of this patriarch that the “earth was divided,” which implies the creation of geographical (“earth”) regions, as well as the dispersion of tribes. The Hebrew root p-l-g means not only “divide (regionally)” but also “divide (linguistically).” Peleg means “(man of) different regions” and “(man of) different languages.” The historical context is the dispersion of nations and consequent confusion of language at the Shinar Tower.
But if want my opinion,the sign is not a complex,ligaturred,composed-one because I am expecting that the writing pertain to pre-cuneiform fase in wich were used simple signs,So sufficient the sketch of the bull(head)
Folowing,the same sign AB for “house,temple”
I wished to be and tempted to be

Cause ZAG is meaning “shiny” as double-axe is.
If Professor Waddell is right in identifying the "Sumerian Father-god" Zagg with the Cretan god Zeus (**2) he, too, offers a link between the Babylonian and Cretan religions. We have already seen that Sargon was perhaps sometimes called Zaggisi, (**3) so probably both Zagg and Zeus were mythological representatives of

mpressions of two cylinder seals (Sumer) and glyph of 'ingot'. The person at the feet of the eagle-winged person carries a (metal) dagger on his left-hand, clearly demonstrating the link with this metalware catalog.
Note the one-horned bull below the person who has his foot on mountain-summit.
Sumerian sign for the term ZAG ‘purified precious’. The ingot had a hole running through its length Perhaps a carrying rod was inserted through this hole.
Bouth signs:
Up-> “Be numerous,multiply,SPREAD OUT”
Down-> “House”
By chance I found that those very signs we have, associated are signifying:

- But we have no the first sign this goat-shape even not shure at all that is depicted a goat-head,
- Think our sign is an made-assembled signs resulting an word
I am convinced that Nergal is the netherworld aspect of the sun-god, on the basis of late mystical texts which I had looked at in the Erra thread.
There appears to be a connection between Nergal and Shamash. It has indeed been argued that the Mesopotamians saw them as alter-egos (Porada 1948, 47; von Weiher 1971, 26, 31), Nergal governing the underworld and Shamash the sky
Dalley mentions in Myths from Mesopotamia p. 283 that Nergal/Erra was the "patron of copper smelting"
This is the first time I have heard of this important point, as it would accord with the idea that Nergal is a god of fire…………. Nergal and his connection to mining
This is the first time I have heard of this important point, as it would accord with the idea that Nergal is a god of fire…………. Nergal and his connection to mining
! Nergal is quite opposite to first reading cause only at the begining was a pair of Sun-God Utu/Shamashis specific the Godd/ess of Mid-day sun,
Geschichte des Altertums: Erster Band. Zweite Hälfte. Die ältesten ...
https://books.google.ro/books?isbn=3734005736 - Translate this page
Eduard Meyer Ne-unu-gal „Herr der großen Wohnung“ für Nergal (ebenso später Amar-ut „Kind der Sonne (?)“ für Marduk, dingir-pa „Gott des Griffels“ für ...
,later a God/ess of the underworld and DEATH !
Despite the fact that I found the sign AMAR:”CALF” in the before section,when encountered that last horned-like sign, my mind was toward goat and some-how attached to GOAT (despite the fact that could be the head of a bull.Did not realised or thought)
Now I understand why combined sign BULL & HOUSE
The God Resheph in the Ancient Near East
Maciej M. Münnich -Sumerian lists of geographical names it would be better to translate it as “City/seat of the bull = Nergal" by analogy to the similarly constructed Sumerian names such as: SES.UNU'“ (Ur — seat of Nanna), MUSUNU“ (Zabalam — seat of inanna), UD.UNU'“ (Larsa — seat of Utu); see Katz …
Now I change my opinion from:
up= composed sign; downAB:”house” :50%
Reading them as a pair: N E R G A L :50%
To the opinion:

Now we have on entire tablet:
3 portions
To open ( Sky-God) (Sun-God?)
To let out
Sumerian Cuneiform English Dictionary 12013CT - bulgari-istoria
sign evolution, that it goes from the proto drawings to the cool Sumerian ...... amar-utu = MARDUK (bull calf of the sun god utu – northern hemisphere 12 day winter solstice celebration of.
Possible the tablet was ment and used in a fertility ritual.
The were giving grain offering and addressed to the Gods ? An (Sky-God) and Nergal (pair of Sun-God or underworld deity) ?
Even remain other second close-by possible interpretation of BAD sign with an reading :”drive/go away” or read as til: “to be ripe, complete; to pluck; to put an end to, finish; to cease, perish” ,”distress/death” reading in the situation there was encountered draught and famine folowed by people death.
Ooops!…apropos of double-axe and Nergal:
"The God of Jupiter is the Lord of Magicians, MARDUK KURIOS of the Double-headed Axe." - Necronomicon, p. 30 (AVON Edition).
Laurence Austine Waddell, in The Makers of Civilization in Race and History, (1929), sheds some light on the significance of the axe:
"The Double-Axe sign for the God Zeus in Crete also occurs as a sign for the god ZAG [1] in Sumerian. It is found in the inscription of Manis-Tusu's grandfather; and it is obviously a fuller form of the diagrammatic axe-sign in Sumerian, which has the phonetic value of ZAG or SAG, and is defined as 'axe, sceptre, two-edged sword.' And significantly this axe-sign is a title in Sumerian of 'The GREAT LORD' (NAR-GAL) [Ner-Gal from his fatal smiting still later became the God of the Underworld.], a martial reflex of the Father-God ZAGG, SAKH, or SAX [2], i.e., Zeus, who became latterly the 'God of War' in Babylonia; and Manis' father SARGON worshipped the weapon of the God ZAGG as we have seen."
Do not consider this work as an ultimate finding and interpretation.
When begun some years before my proposed goal was only this-one: to proove and show that Tartaria Round tablet is containing writing.
Now the same goal with both tablet.(With this tablet the same).I am not pretending at all an accurate reading. Schollars (sumerologists) could take and analyse the tablets and afteward give and show their opinion.
Don’t know why one of so many world scientists not put one of the tablets on their desk to analise the signs/tablet throughly.Radher stayed in kind of wondering,extasy and at the end expectation.
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