Semnele LABRYS si cele de pe tablita de la Tartaria de origine sumeriana ?
In scrierea Egeeana (hieroglifica cretana), avem semnul:
(Imaginea din The First ‘European’ Writing: Redefining the Archanes Script: Redefining the Archanes Script )
(Imaginea din The First ‘European’ Writing: Redefining the Archanes Script: Redefining the Archanes Script )

….si pe valea Indusului, Din 

Sau din Minoan Linear A, Linear B, Knossos & Mycenae https://linearb–labrys-inscribed-with-the-word-idamate-what-does-it-mean/
Pe de alta parte, avem in tablita dreptunghiulara cu gaura de la Tartaria, un semn cumva asemanator (Nr.4 si Nr.7):

Semnul Egeean pentru Labrys seamana cu semnele de pe tablita noastra. Sa aiba ambele (Creta si Tartaria) la origine semne din Sumer ?? ————————————————————————————-
Semnul sumerian proto-cuneiform AB:”templu,casa” Din

Din The Tower of Babel Cuneiform in the Fertile Crescent, 3100-500 BCE

Alt semn care seamana cu cel Egeean si cu ale noastre, este semnul ZAG:“metal” “stralucire(metalului)”
Din Sumerian Dictionary – bulgari-istoria Metals = ZAG (the shine of metals).

Acest semn a fost folosit de sumerieni pentru lingouri metalice ! Aceasta forma specifica a fost folosita pentru lingouri in absolut toata lumea si in engleza forma este denumita OXHIDE :”piele de bou” pentru ca o pielea de vita intinsa are aceasta forma.
Din Period:Late Bronze AgeDate:ca. 1450–1050 B.C.Culture:Cypriot Medium:Copper

Daca semnul Egeean a provenit din unul sau din ambele semne sumeriene, cum se face ca la Egeeni inseamna Labrys? Dupa ipoteza cercetatorilor G.PAPAKITSOS si I.KENANIDIS, primii minoani au fost de fapt colonisti sumerieni, care cunosteau semnificatia semnelor lor proto-cuneiforme, iar acestea au fost adaptate in Creta, forma si semnificatia suferind in timp transformari.Faptul surprinzator este acela ca se pare ca semnul Egeean are la origine ambele semne sumeriene si intr-un fel a pastrat semnificatia originala a ambelor:
– Semnificatie original sumeriana de casa, Templu pentru ca in toate pesterile si locurile sacre, acest simbol este prezent.Se pare ca pentru minoani mai mult decat ca reprezinta securea cu doua taisuri era simbol regal si divin.Labyrintul era de fapt casa securii cu doua taisuri LABRY-nthos=LABYRINTHOS.Si era de fapt locul sacru al Minotaurului divin, de fapt tremplul subpamantean salasul soarelui in parcursul sau nocturn.
– Apoi a pastrat si semnificatia de “stralucirea metalului” simbolul reproducant destul de fidel securile stralucitoare cu doua taisuri din bronz, argint si aur prezente in locurile sacre. (particulaa “stralucitor” era prezenta in numele multor regi sumerieni si hititi, sub forma unor sufixe -kug/kuga, (ex.urdu-kuga); -dag) =============================================
Inclin pentru – casa zeului / simbol regal,divin ? datorita faptului ca semnul nostru seamana foarte mult cu sum.Ab
….decat semn pentru lingou metalic.
Inclin pentru – casa zeului / simbol regal,divin ? datorita faptului ca semnul nostru seamana foarte mult cu sum.Ab
….decat semn pentru lingou metalic.
Insa sdupa opinia mea, acesta forma nu este intamplatoare, ci este forma constelatiei celei mai vizibile pe firmament, constelatia ORION,

Apare inca din Paleolitic: Din ”
“Orion is a prominent constellation located on the celestial equator and visible throughout the world. It is one of the most conspicuous and recognizable constellations in the night sky. It was named after Orion, a hunter in Greek mythology. Its brightest stars are Rigel (Beta orionis) and Betelgeuse (Alpha orionis), a blue-white and a red supergiant, respectively.
The earliest depiction that has been linked to the constellation of Orion is a prehistoric (Aurignacian) mammoth ivory carving found in a cave in the Ach valley in West Germany in 1979. Archaeologists have estimated it to have been fashioned approximately 32,000 to 38,000 years ago. The distinctive pattern of Orion has been recognized in numerous cultures around the world, and many myths have been associated with it.”
“The Ach Valley Tusk is a piece of mammoth ivory, recovered from Geißenklösterle Cave near Ulm, Germany, that has a human figure carved into one side and a series of 86 pits or notches cut into the other. Rappengluek identified the human figure as a star map representing the constellation Orion.”

Constelatie care probabil era perceputa ca salas, loc de rezidenta cereasca a zeilor (asociat cu Usar/Osiris si locul in careajungeau sufletele faraonilor in Egipt)
The Ancient Egyptians were the first to write about Orion, and place him into their mythologies. They associate the stars of Orion with Osiris, the sun-god of rebirth and afterlife, and one of the most important gods of the ancient Egyptians. (1)Orion was considered the abode of Osiris following his resurrection. Isis dwelt on Sirius. In Egyptian mythology, Osiris was murdered and dismembered by his jealous brother, Seth, then briefly brought back to life by his sister and consort Isis to father the god Horus. Egyptians saw Osiris in the Moon, whose phases caused the all-important Nile to rise and fall each month, and in the constellation Orion, whose appearance was connected with the annual flood. As god of the dead, Osiris welcomed the recently deceased to their new world.
Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, rises on the eastern horizon just before the Sun once each year. This following a period of complete invisibility lasting about 70 days (during which time it lies in the daytime sky). Egyptian inscriptions describe the last appearance of Sirius in the night sky as its death; its daytime invisibility as purification in the embalming house of the nether world; and its rising with the Sun as a resurrection. Accordingly they calibrated the process of mummification to this celestial cycle, completing it in exactly 70 days.
In the sky, Orion is depicted facing the snorting charge of neighbouring Taurus the Bull, yet the myth of Orion makes no reference to such a combat. However, the constellation can be traced back to the Sumerians, who saw in it their great hero Gilgamesh fighting the Bull of Heaven. The Sumerian name for Orion was URU AN-NA, meaning light of heaven. Taurus was GUD AN-NA, bull of heaven. Gilgamesh was the Sumerian equivalent of Heracles. One of the labours of Heracles was to catch the Cretan bull, which would fit the Orion–Taurus conflict in the sky. Ptolemy described him with club and lion’s pelt, both familiar attributes of Heracles, and he is shown this way on old star maps.
Nota Pe placuta rotunda de la Tartaria, avem un semn, (cel din stanga)

asemanator cu semnul sumerian proto-cuneiform KU:”metal”

Din [PDF]Elementary Sumerian Glossary – bulgari-istoria
[PDF]Sumerian Lexicon – IS MU
by JA Halloran kug, kù: n., silver; precious metal; money; noble (ku, ‘to base, build’ + aga(3), ‘diadem, …
Deci iar este posibil sa avem de lucru daca nu chiar cu metalul atunci cu “lucitor,stralucitor”
A se vedea si Centrul Cultural „Lucian Blaga” Sebeș
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