HP are"HR" and DDoc are "RRos"
HoRa,ora /HoRo RoRoS
From Etruscan Glossary A (spreadsheet containing 2,500 Etruscan words ...www.academia.edu/.../Etruscan_Glossary_A_spreadsheet_containing_2_500_Etrusca...
One of several Latin towns taken by Tarquin 600 B.C. CaMaReM (L. 1st decl. ...... K31, K109 1896 rural, to live in the country (L. ruro-are) ROROS (RVRVS) (See ...
Time/season/limit RURAL(of the countryside!).....................Where sign +++++ is number 5/15?
1,000 Most Common Albanian Words (with AUDIO) - 101Languages.net
www.101languages.net › albanian › most...
A list of the most commonly spoken Albanian words. Translated into English. ... Menu. Albanian Dictionary ... Number, Albanian Word, in English .... 183, herë, time ..... 959, hera, time ==========================================
Now nobody know the exact historical relation between ilyrians, dorians and albanians. Much harder, thay say that illyrians are originating from north (Dacia and or Panonia !?). In the past albanians and proto-romanians shared an common past. Those romanian and albanian ancestors moved on a nort-south direction with their sheep herds from Greece pastures to Dacian-ones and reverse. So virtually they could got in touch with greek writings and could transmit it. So we could have:
HeRe RRok
From https://translate.google.com/?hl=en#en/sq/time
time, period, term, season, day, when
snatch, grasp, gripe, grip, catch
P.S. The lunisolar calendars, have figured a cross, From Researcher cites ancient Minoan-era 'computer'
http://www.access.edu.gr/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2320 https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRP2ukkzc5LcdCL-ctBws1KSEcq4QtDbatfu2kimJIpMrtbxBoW

..Cross wich represent cardinal points/directions and also 4-year division in seasons.
The sign +++++ could represent number 5, wich is the correction/leap from the year composed of old-used before year with round 30 days/month>360 to the year with 365 days !
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